- Genetically modified ingredients are found in approximately 80 percent of processed foods
- They’ve been linked to cancer
- Stomach issues
- Environmental destruction
- Corporate greed
- GMO salmon may soon be in our food supply
- GMO sugar beets already are
- So is GMO corn
- GMO soy
- GMO canola
- GMO cottonseed oil
- And GMO alfalfa
- As well as GMO squash
- GMO papayas
- And soon GMO apples
- GMO pineapples
- Pesticide residue is found in many processed foods
- Pesticides cause neurological disorders
- Reproductive disorders
- And developmental problems in young children
- They may be killing off our important bee populations
- And birds
- And bats
- And dragonflies
- Artificial colors cause behavior issues
- Artificial flavors do too
- Like MSG
- High fructose corn syrup is genetically modified
- It spikes blood sugar levels
- Chemical preservatives are as yucky as they sound
- Carrageenan causes cancer and digestive disturbances
- What is Butylated Hydroxyanisole? Why would you eat something named that?
- Conventional eggs can contain salmonella
- And the hens were treated like horrible, worthless slaves
- Growth hormone rGBH is in many processed dairy foods
- Growth hormones in dairy cause hormone problems in the people who consume them
- Carmine—a red coloring—comes from bug shells
- Most raspberry flavoring comes from a gland extracted from a beaver’s anus
- Real food doesn’t need stabilizers
- Or anti-caking agents
- Mad Cow Disease
- Pink Slime
- Meat Glue
- Avian Flu
- Swine Flu
- Nanoparticles
- Refined grains cause health problems
- Packaging waste
- Packaging toxins
- Gelatin comes from pig hooves
- Bug particles are common in processed foods
- Excessive sodium causes high blood pressure
- And heart disease
- Excessive fat clogs arteries
- Especially trans fats
- Hydrogenated oils
- Fractionated oils
- Confectioner’s glaze comes from beetles
- Nitrites cause cancer
- Sodium benzoate is toxic
- Brominated vegetable oil is too
- Processed food is made by machines
- And poorly paid workers
- The world’s top food manufacturers destroy rainforests
- They require long hours
- Employ child labor
- And lie about their impact on the planet
- You’re usually paying for big brand marketing efforts rather than quality ingredients
- Subsidies are given to giant corporations while small farmers struggle to stay in business
- Monsanto and other biotech companies were just granted “immunity from the courts” so they can push out GMOs even if a judge says they can’t
- Processed foods are meant to sit on shelves for months or longer
- Processed foods use a lot of fossil fuels in production and transport
- Factories cause pollution
- Food in packages causes food waste—a $100-billion-a-year problem
- Sugar consumption causes diabetes
- And obesity
- And behavioral disorders
- And skin conditions
- And more health problems
- Hidden gluten
- Hidden soy
- Hidden animal fat
- It’s not food made with love
- Fresh food tastes better
- Fresh food is more recognizable by your body
- When you make it yourself, you enjoy it more
- When someone cooks for you, it’s a gift of love and kindness
- We are what we eat
- And what we eat eats, too
- There are more nutrients in food made from scratch
- And more water
- And more fiber
- And more antioxidants
- Meals made from scratch are unique one-of-a-kind works of art
- Foods made in factories always taste the same
- Microwaves destroy food
- Cooking is interactive
- It’s stimulating
- It’s fun
- Anyone can do it
- Even you.
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