Woman Calls Cops On Dealer Who Sold Her Sugar Instead Of Crack Cocaine
Don't you just hate it when you don't get what you paid for?
Suzanne Basham, 47, was none too pleased to discover the crack cocaine she bought was actually plain old sugar. The Springfield, Missouri woman was not about to be ripped off, and allegedly called the police to report her dealer.
According to the police report, on Jan. 10 Basham called the cops to report her dealer for theft, telling them she paid $40 for crack cocaine and was given sugar instead.
The Smoking Gun reports that Basham asked cops to arrest her dealer for theft and also asked them to secure a refund for her.
Officers went to the address where Basham claimed she had purchased the crack and the residents denied selling drugs and refused to allow officers into their home.
Of course, it was Basham herself who ended up in hot water -- officers arrested her for possession of drug paraphernalia after they discovered a crack pipe, reports the Daily Mail.
To think you actually thought that you would get your money back! For that you get a big unFABulous FAIL!!!